
All my work as a free software programmer is voluntary. You can support it by making a donation. I appreciate contributions of any size – donations enable me to spend more time working for the free software community. If you’d like to make a donation, please use one of the methods below. Unfortunately I can’t offer you tax deduction, but for donations equal or greater than 50 US$, I’d be happy to acknowledge you in the donors table below. If you decide to make recurrent donations, the total amount of your donations will be updated every month for all records. If you want recognition, please send a mail to oitofelix@gnu.org with the name you wish to be listed, the value you’ve contributed and for what software package it’s intended (if any).

Thanks for your support!


Become a Patron!





The table below lists people that have funded my work. I couldn’t have done so much without the invaluable help of these people, to whom I’d like to say: Thank you very much! If you would appreciate your name listed below, please donate!

Name Value Software package
Consultoria Ti8 R$ 232,00 None
Zak Rogoff R$ 125,00 None
Lucas Sköldqvist (frusen) BTC 0.28833329 GNU ccd2cue
Aleš Janda BTC 0.003 MININIM